
Does anyone know of death in home at 12560 Castle Hill Dr., Tampa, FL?

by Guest64830  |  earlier

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I have been told by three different people that they have felt a present in my front bedroom. I have had another person (who is very sensitive and I trust this person) tell me that it is a child.




  1. no i don't know and never heard  of it.

  2. Well you may be haunted by weirdos now, espcially since putting your address on the internet.

  3. Quit letting your imagination get the best of you... There are no spirits walking the face of the earth. Please join us in the present century.

  4. My choice of information when trying to validate a death related haunting is to do a public records search on the house at your local library, if a death was involved, especially that of a child, there will be information on it unless the house is particularly old.

  5. I was in a house yesterday. A friend of mine died there a few weeks ago. My dog lept on staring at the place where my friend died. I suggest the dog test as well. Dogs seem to see things we cannot.

  6. Did  you really just give out your exact address on yahoo?  Personally if I were you I would delete the question.  There are crazy people in this world.

  7. First of all, you do realize that you posted your address on Yahoo? So my question to you is, How many scary characters will find you now? Be careful.

    About the presence of a child in the room, try telling them it's time to follow the light they will find their loved ones waiting for them.

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