
Does anyone know of good family games on CD that can be played in a car while on the road?

by  |  earlier

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My family and I will be traveling by car A LOT this summer, and we'd like to pass some of the time with games on CD that we can all play. We are a husband and wife, and two grown children (19-year-old daughter, 21-year-old son). We enjoy each other's company a lot, but we also like competing with each other in good-natured ways. Any ideas of things we can order online (we are currently out of the country and want to send things to our hotel at our first stop in the USA) would be appreciated.




  1. huh? games on cd-do u mean like pc games? well if you do, then the sims is a really good game for the whole family. but it's not really competetive, but i recommend it. and there is also WOW (world of warcraft). I've only heard of it, but a lot of people play it =) sorry if this doesn't answer your question.

  2. ♥I don't know of any, but would like to tell you to drive safely, if you have a driver, try not to distract him with the games..

    ♥Sorry man! Didn't answer what you wanted..

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