
Does anyone know of places i can volunteer to help people or animals?

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I want to be able to volunteer in my community but i can't find places that i could go to help out. If there is anyone out there who knows about places to go to volunteer or websites that tell you about community service, can you tell me about the place?! every single time i find something it is already finished.

Also i live within Miami




  1. You could volunteer at a nursing home or animal shelter  anything babysitting with no pay is volunteering your local county fair if you have one, those are awesome or hospitals. I don't know if you have every heard of the international order of the rainbow for girls but this organization is a service based organization and it is really great its for girls ages 11 to 20 or 21 i cant remember but these girls do allot of volunteering

  2. there's got to be an animal shelter that could use extra help. try calling the boys and girls club or ymca.

  3. Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful world-wide ministry that sends gift-filled shoe boxes to kids in need.  Here in America, OCC has hundreds of leadership teams.  Contact Shannon Kozee, the Community Relations Coordinator, to find out where your local leadership team is located:

    OCC hosts year-round projects such as prayer events, and also needs volunteers to help connect with local businesses to form partnerships.  You can also help out by starting OCC at your local high school.  Start a competition (maybe students vs. faculty) and see who can raise the most boxes??

    Each box costs around $20 to fill and gives the gift of Christmas to a child who never would have had one otherwise.  The pencils and paper packed in each box allows kids to go to school who wouldn't have been able to afford to otherwise--in Uganda a pack of crayons costs $8.  Parents have to decide between sending their kids to school or feeding them!

    For more info visit:

  4. You could try your local vets to see if they could give you any volunteer work to do.

    Do you have any nursing homes near you for the elderly or disabled,,they might like a hand,,,or what about maybe a soup kitchen or hostel .

  5. Do you really need an organization?  If so, call the Saint Vincent de Paul Society. They probably have a food pantry or clothes closet where you could sort and display donations.

    If you just want to help, look in your neighborhood or call a senior citizens' center and ask who needs someone to go to the grocery store to reach high shelves or to put away food. . There's probably someone who finds keeping up the yard too much either because of age or illness. A mother might need someone to go to the doctor with her and the kids to entertain the kids so she can get a checkup

  6. I live in Miami and volunteer at the Humane Society.  You have to be at least 16 years old (with parental consent) or over 18 (without consent) and attend volunteer orientation.  Orientations are usually the first Saturday of each month.  The center is located on W. Dixie Hwy in N. Miami Beach.  You can call for more info  305-749-1820 or

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