
Does anyone know of some good clubs that 18 year olds can get into?

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i'm a 18 year old looking 4 clubs in san antonio,austin or anywhere in texas. name & location please & thank you..oh yea remember the club has to allow 18 year old in.




  1. Paradox and Spiros, both in the 6th street area in Austin.

  2. cockpit is great, it's on san jacinto blvd in austin. the crowd is very laid back. rain is a new and popular one in austin as well, it's on 4th st.

    good luck!

  3. and your a girl. oo, their gonna be happy to see you.

  4. well i live in seatttle the best thing to do is to go to a place that allows kids in during the day like a restaurant then when it gets realy busy at night ull blend in or just trick the bouncer my mom and dad own a club the bouncer is really unprofessionaL so people get by him pretty easy just dont order drinks if the bartender looks uptight because if its really busy you can just grab a beer

  5. Sorry. I was going to say "pretty much anywhere in Europe".

    I never understood why americans are so uptight about alcohol (or s*x).

    It's your country's laws that are making it impossible for you to find somewhere you'll like - maybe it's time to think about gettng those fixed.

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