
Does anyone know of some natural bug repellents?

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I am allergic to bug bites. It's not too serious, but sometimes I swell up so much that it becomes extremely painful. It is the worst when I get bit on my foot since I can't fit into most of my shoes afterwards. I don't like putting on chemical bug spray too much since it is full of harmful chemicals. Are there any more natural solutions?




  1. loriann is right, lavender oil is great! I use it also because i work where there are a lot of mosquitoes and noseeums, and it works wonderfully. I use the lavender oil neat though. i also read that catnip is a good repellent. Haven't tried it though.

  2. Citronella candles work well

  3. Indeed there ARE some great natural bug repellents. I use them every Summer ----as I too, am a bug magnet and don't like chemical repellents.

    Lavender oil works GREAT!

    Peppermint oil works great!

    Penny royal oil

    Cedar oil

    Lemongrass oil

    All these natural oils work wonderfully and are safe. Be sure to go easy on the peppermint oil. You can dilute the peppermint oil with any kind of neutral oil (apricot, canola, avocado oils)

    You can get an empty spray-bottle, and make your own *natural bug repellent spray -- 20 drops lavender oil, 20 drops lemongrass oil, 10 drops peppermint oil, and fill the rest of the bottle with a neutral oil ----listed above.

    Have a safe and bug-free/bite-free Summer!


    Note: Hippie ---- I tried  B1 (suggested by a friend) It didn't work for me at all. What works for some, may not work for others. The essential oils I listed, are tried and true. I'm only trying to help. I know what it's like to be attacked by mosquitoes ---- I am walking mosquito bait .....ha! I finally found something safe and 100% effective.

  4. The most powerful and natural insect repellent is citronella oil. It's found in most available commercial products that includes plant essential oils. Unfortunately, the over-powering aroma is too much for some people (hence, bugs hate it) so the next best oil is lemongrass. If you can't get anything availabe with either of these oils in your local health-food stores or pharmacies, you can make your own repellent by following this simple recipe.

    1) Get 250ml metal or opaque plastic bottle equiped with a spray-nozzle.

    2) Fill 1/2 bottle with witch-hazel or chamomile floral water.

    3) Drop 20-30 drops of pure lemongrass or citronella oil into the bottle.

    4) Fill about 30 drops of distilled vodka.

    5) Fill up the rest with more floral water.

    6) Cap the bottle tightly and shake well to mix.

    7) Attach spray-nozzle and spray all over your body (excluding face).

    The formula works for up to 3hrs per application. If you dislike the smell, either lemongrass or citronella, mix with 10-15 drops of pure lavender oil instead of purely lemongrass or citronella. And if your skin is sensitive to alcohol, you can replace with jojoba oil to dissolve the essential oils.

  5. Mentol (peppermint)


    Vitamin B1

    A coworker of mine actually found out that neem oil works great!  She used it on her skin for an unrelated issue, and found that the mosquitos didn't bite.  You can you neem oil, or neem oil lotion.

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