
Does anyone know of some natural cough home remedy's that actually work?

by  |  earlier

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Hello all.

With winter well and truly at full throttle where I live me and my children have developed a dry cough that only appears at night.

Doctors said that its going around and I should just get some rest?? Its hard to rest when you need to cough every two seconds???

Plz Help




  1. My sister likes to use honey.  My sister uses regular honey from the store, but some of the holistic meds people say you should use a specific type of honey (that they sell and costs twice as much).  I'm a robotussin man myself.  My sister says she gets better results from the honey--she's the type that will try something different out, but she isn't an anti-medicine nut, so I believe her when she says honey beats cough syrup for her kids.

  2. If you can get your hands on fresh thyme or freshly dried thyme. make a tea of it. Thyme is a natural cough suppressant. It's great for the tickly coughs that won't go away.

    Although I haven't tried this my sister swears by it for her kids to get them to stop coughing and sleep at night. Vicks vapor rub on the soles of the feet before bed. i believe it's the menthol that stops the the need for coughing. not sure.

    Honey is always great to coat the throat.

  3. You could try fresh ginger juice mixed with honey.

    To get the juice form ginger root. Grate and squeeze through a cloth and pour the juice into a small jar of honey, it will keep for ages.

  4. thyme, marshmallow, mullein and plantain are the best natural remedies for dry tickly coughs

    you could also try eating onions, garlic and drinking the juice of boiled cabbage (no I haven't tried it!)

    hot lemon and honey does often seem to do the trick too

    I hope you are all feeling better soon, and at least manage to get some sleep!

  5. Hot Ginger maybe ?

    Hope you got well soon :)

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