
Does anyone know of stuff for 2 teenage (13 y/o) girls to do in south Dublin area over summer?

by  |  earlier

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Looking for activities for during the day, at night etc that would keep 2 teenage girls entertained. Given the Irish weather, it would be preferably indoors




  1. ........theres not much for teens to doo in ireland..and since weve got such a bad reputation and all...i usally just go to a friends house or youcould let them have a few friends over..or if you trust them ket them go in to town shopping..or get them to join a  sport like swimming or karate..or what is also fun are these friends are currently doing one and its gre4at one daay..we went paint balling and the other we went dub sight seeing lolz

    or if there really bored enroll them in the scouts(thats what me ma did) its not what you tink its like a mini army!!! its just hiking and a bit of camping and restoring the community and ****!! wow sounds lame!!!

    o...or you could...get them a punching let them punch away there anger of being stuck in a house

    or leave your car keys out and let them go joy riding!!

    or you could get them to research there family tree...more than likely theyl have to do it in transition year!!

    r to the beach if you get a good day

    or theres a buddah farm in wicklow only 2euro entry...

    or....they could give a hand with the special wen they have tournements..

    or im 14 and im volunteering at the sos

    so theres so much to dooo!!!!



  3. yeah get a bottle of cheap plonk and get trashed..

  4. monopoly, or such like.

    Erm, shopping, eating out, most things you do here but use a irish accent, There's a botanical garden In dublin somewhere, you might be able to find. Outside though, but you could bring an umbrella.

  5. Go out and play !

  6. let them out and dont shelter them from s*x/alcohol/smoking. they're going to do it anyway and they're respect for you will decrease if you try to shelter them. my parents never did and now we are a much happier family :)

  7. dont drink. please. i live in dublin and know all about it.

    when i was 13 me and my friends went on walks and talked, we went on adventures like trying to find places we'd never been too...its fun! we didnt have money so we walked everywhere.

    we got involved in football and went to the local pats games every weekend! it was so fun watchin all the footballers!

    we hung out in our rooms and talked about everything and evrything! we made cakes and window shopped.

    you have the internet tho which is something we didnt have, so you can snuggle up in your room toghter with some candy and hot chocolate when its pissin out (like today)and watch movies, answer questions toghter on Y!answers! play games like monopoly, play online games like the sims, you can do anything! be creative! you have more today then  had!

    hope this helps!!:)

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