
Does anyone know of where I could go to find statistics or graphs about logging or about trees in America?

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I am just wondering where I could go to find informaiton or find a good graph about logging in the U.S. Statistics about the subject would be great too...

It would also be nice to just here what ever you had to say about logging:)




  1. I read a book called "Good News For A Change", that talked about a company in Oregon called Collin Pine that profitably does sustainable logging.  They should be the example of how other logging companies do business.

      I think we should legalize hemp farming, and make paper from hemp.  It would save millions of trees.

  2. I can only speak for here in Texas where you ought to be able to call The Texas Forestry Service, and they'd either have the data you want or they could direct you towards it, and maybe from there onto a national forestry service.  God Bless you.

  3. There was a USDA Yearbook of Agriculture entitled Trees. Lots of good information, although it does not go all the way to the present day.

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