
Does anyone know on what the UK Govt spends the fuel tax...?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, it's well over 50% of the cost of a litre of petrol, there are definately more cars on the road - so how do they spend this revenue?

Any ideas?

The link below shows the cost of petrol over the last few years.




  1. Flat screen tellies for MPs' houses and cable, oh and their tv licences .. lazy boy chairs ... that sort of thing.

  2. they spend it on there expense's, second homes, second cars, nannies you name it

  3. It all goes into the central pot and gets spent.  76% of all tax goes on the NHS - and that's still not enough.  We have cash-strapped Health Authorities cancelling operations and contracting out nursing and cleaning to agencies who pay illegally low wages.  

    The biggest problem is we're getting too good at keeping people alive.  Diseases that would have been a death sentence 10 years ago (Aids, some cancers) are now chronic conditions that can be managed by drugs - but these are expensive.

    As you have said, there are more and more cars on the road despite rising fuel costs.  The norm used to be one car per family but it's fast approaching one per person.  Most of the households in my street have 3 or 4 cars.  We don't have enough roads to accommodate them all if they were all driven at the same time.  Keeping motoring costs high tends to discourage people from using their cars and saves huge road-building costs - not to mention the pollution.

    Having said that, when I learned to drive, petrol was 6 shillings and eight pence a gallon.  Adjust that for inflation and it works out about £1.50 a litre in today's money.  And modern cars have much better fuel economy than the 1960s gas guzzlers.

  4. or the money it creams of us in Air travel taxes or any other "Green Tax". for that matter.

    Probably goes on express delivery of the latest "John Lewis" catalogues

  5. holiday homes and their pensions perhaps?

  6. I think he gives it to African leaders so they can deposit it in Swiss bank accounts.

  7. Fuel tax is collected and simply put into the governments funds and spent on any government project.The money is not allocated to be spent on a specific thing.

  8. Fuel duty is not "ring-fenced" government expenditure; it may be spent as and where the treasury decides is appropriate. Most of this will go on welfare & pensions (c.35%) and healthcare (24%).

    How do we spend it? The state tries to satisfy every interest group; spending is in all places and consequently perdceptable in few.

  9. new labour is tax & waste.

    So it is just wasted on illegal wars etc etc etc

  10. I can tell you what happens to the fuel tax you pay!Why?It goes to prop up meglo maniacs like Robert Mugabe in  Zimbabwe Instead of making our pensions something to be proud of!

    What we are witnessing under Gordon Brown is!Something the University Student Union would 'hatch up'!(The politics of a fool)

    Put Britain and it's people first!

  11. Kitchens, Houses, Taxis, Hair does, etc. what do you think Oh and also the criminal EU.

    By the way "old know all " I have a 1961 Sunbeam that on the last run did 39.5 mpg which is more than a lot of modern cars can do so stop with the old gas guzzlers.

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