
Does anyone know or has used the Nail Grinder Kit for a dog?

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I just have a few question about the nail grinder kit for anyone that know or does have it.

1.) does it work good?

2.) does the dog stand still for it?

i am asking these question because i am thinking about buying one for my dog because it is hard to cut his nails because i am afraid that i might cut the kwik plus he got very brittle nails so can anyone let me know anything about it!

here is what it looks like




  1. Hello

    There are allot of these On the market now and I have one I bought that was just a plain old Dremmel Grinder and I love it so do my Pups

    It is so much nicer for them than the Old clipper as seen in the TV commercials the clippers do crush the nail and for the pups with the dark colored nails you have no Clue as to where you are trimming and you can cut the Quick and really hurt them badly

    So I highly recommend buying One of these as it is a definite bonus

    Good luck to You and Your pups

    Respectfully Yours


  2. I am a professional groomer, and I offer nail grinding servie to my clients.  I use a Dremel, which is essentially the same thing.

    Some dogs (like my own) prefer the Dremel than to the nail clipper.  A nail clipper may pinch the dogs nail causing discomfort.  My dog will actually hide her feet when she even sees me reach for the clipper.  I can grind her nails when she's sleeping or laying on the floor and she doesn't care.

  3. I use  a Dremel and have for years.  In my situation I clip nails when they're really long and then touch up with the Dremel for a closer trim and smooth edges.

    I would suggest you look into the Dremel (sold at Home Depot, Lowes, probably Sears too) first since that is what most of us used long before the pet stores created one for sale.  Dremel is a reliable product and they've been around for years.  You can also use them for things other than just grinding your dogs nails.

    Dremel works great.

    Now the dog standing still is an entirely different story.  Most dogs that haven't experienced having their nails trimmed in this manner may be a bit afraid.  Heck, my dogs know the routine and take off as soon as theysee me pull it out.

    If you can do it yourself great but sometimes it requires the help of another person if the dog isn't a willing participant.

    Something to know ahead of time.  Grinding the dogs nails causes heat to build up and I think that's part of the problem dogs have with this method.  I suggest you grind one nail for a few seconds and then move on to the next for a few seconds.  Do each nail on one paw and then go back over it a second time.  Maybe a cool damp cloth kept on hand to help lower the temp of each nail you've done.

    And finally, you can grind right in to the quick on some dogs so be aware of what you're doing.

  4. i didn't get one from petsmart, i got mine from and yes, it works great. we just got ours this week and used it with great success on both our little dogs, who absolutely hate having their nails clipped. it is the best $20.00 bucks i have spent on them in a while. once they both figured out it wasn't the clippers, they sat still for it. love it!!

  5. I don't think I would get it, I think the dog would be too hyper to stand still for it, it's probably a waste of money. They have a new type of nail trimer I'm wanting to try  heres the site for it:

  6. Try a Dremel grinder. You can get them at any hardware store. My dogs don't exactly stand still, but they don't fight as much as the clippers.  

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