
Does anyone know paddy from dublin?

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Does anyone know paddy from dublin?




  1. In american...any kid born around St. Pat's day has Patrick in their name...don't have to be from Dublin either.

  2. I might as well have a couple, just like all the others.

  3. Paddy Murphy? Thought he was a jazz guitarist...hang on a minute - no. That's Pat Metheny. Sorry!

  4. Tis me boy!

    Paddy From Dublin

  5. Yeah, he's my uncle's cousin's nephew's sheep!

  6. Yep

  7. yeah paddy is me dad and me brother which one u want?

  8. No

  9. no but les is your last name bien

  10. Yeah havent seen him in years whats he doing now

  11. blah blagh blah

  12. . . . saw him down the pub last night with Taffy from Wales and Jock the Scot . . .

  13. hey thats me what u want

  14. Well i have a brother and his name is Paddy could it be him???????? and thats no lie,he is the best in the world

  15. Yes, paddy's where you grow rice and dublin is used to soften leather.

  16. yes, he fixed my roof the other day.

  17. yep. Tell him I said hello.

  18. yes he's my cousins cousins wifes sisters husbands son

    and he's fine but he lives in the posh part of dublin

  19. is he mick's brother?

  20. yeah Paddy Murphy, his a great guy isnt he - ive got to call him later, do u want me to pass a message on?????

  21. Paddy, a slang term in British English for an Irish person. It is a diminutive of the Irish forename Pádraig, the equivalent of the English "Patrick", and although it is also in use as an ordinary forename its use as slang is now considered offensive or contemptuous by many people.

    So yes, yes I do!

  22. yes - I do - the one from Dublin, New Hampshire you mean right?

  23. Ah be jasus,ye are all very witty on here this mornin !

  24. yea all 2 million of them

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