
Does anyone know personally how to get a deal on a rental car in the Caymans???

by  |  earlier

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please don't give me coupon codes that do not work outside the U.S. ---- I really need good info from someone who personallly knows a good deal, thanks




  1. We got a pretty good deal when we booked with  there is another place called Andy's that was close in price but we were happy that we booked with avis as Andy's had, "island Cars"  if you know what I mean, looked a little rough for wear and ours was brand new and ice cold AC :-)

  2. I don't think there is anything like a deal on rental cars in the Caymans.  If you are a member of one of the rental car clubs in the U.S. you might try talking to the local office and see if they can fix you up.  Good look on not loosing an arm and leg.

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