
Does anyone know reliable websites for open adoption?

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im trying to find some places in texas where i can find a couple that is willing to do open adoption. so far i have found Adoption Networking or something of the sort but i want to know more. any help would be great so thanks

ps plz, no smart@** remarks, its killin me to do this but the odds are stacked up against me....




  1. The best way to find a good company to help you is using your phone book. Adoption is too sensitive of a thing to trust to an online site.


    I hope this helps.

  3. Another options would be to talk to family and friends and see if anyone knows of a good couple who are looking to adopt.  If you search out the couple and get to know them know and are open with them and they are open with you down the line this relationship would/should help the child.

    Also you know in your heart what is best for you and your child, do not let anyone pressure you in giving up or keeping your child, make the choice that you feel is right.

    To CMC, did you like parent's profile, please email.

  4. Hi Meyka,

    I know you must be in a difficult place right now and the last thing i want to do is add to that pain.  If you are considering adoption for your child, please read this question i asked.;...

    I know anyone of these First Parents would be happy to talk to you.  Just click on their profile pict and email them.  MamaKate, well, she rocks and she has already offered her help.  

    I am not against adoptions.  I just think adoption should be used as a last resort and maybe that is where you are.  Make an informed decision and don't be ashamed to ask for help.  There may be more options out there that you are currently unaware of.  I just rarely hear of a First Parent saying how happy they were with choosing adoption for their child.  I truly wish the best for you and your child:)

  5. The below forum isn't an agency - it's a support site for those in open adoption. It's a great resource, and maybe some of the members would be willing to help you find an agency to fit your needs without pushing their own agenda. I know that the members include both bmoms and amoms, as well as adoptees.

    Good luck.

  6. Please make sure you read this -

    I do hope someone can help you and your child stay together - instead of only wanting to help your child - but sadly - most adoptive parents just want a baby - they won't really care much about you once they have their prize.

    Make sure you know your rights.

    Do not sign anything - unless you're 100% sure.

    Adoption agencies make loads of money off acquiring your baby - be very aware of their motives - and be careful of what they tell you.

    Open adoptions are NOT law enforceable.

    Many many adoptive parents have closed up open adoptions as soon as the ink is dry - and they have the baby.

    Just please be very aware.

    Here are some links for resources etc if you need them -

    I wish you and your baby all the very best.

  7. I don't know any place in TX, specifically but we posted our profile on when we were looking for a match (that is how our daughter's mom found us). They don't necessarily deal only with open adoption, but you can read profiles for potential adoptive parents in TX there. Also I like Independent Adoption Center in California (that is  the office we visited, but they have several offices across the country). They have a website ( They are very strong on open adoption, and you can find families in TX on their website.

    Good luck with a very difficult decision. I hope  you find the right family for your child.

  8. I work for a family who has adopted and they went through an agency called Gladney. They said that it was a really good experience.

  9. Meyka,

    I'm sorry that you are in such a difficult position. I cannot help you with your question but just wanted to urge you to remember two things.

    (In case no one has said this to you yet:)

    1.) If you are only considering adoption, please do your research before making any agreements. Hang around Y?A for a while and check out some web sites for adoptees and first parents. It is said over and over again here:

    "Adoption is a permanent solution to a temporary problem"

    2.) NO "open adoption" IS ENFORCEABLE BY LAW. There are people who will say anything to get a child. Protect yourself and your child. Know your rights. Until you let your baby go, YOU are the ONLY MOTHER.

    There ARE good adoptions and good adoptive parents. Just be sure you know the real facts before you make your choice.

    That being said, I hope that you find the choice that is right for you and your child. Don't let anyone push you around or make you feel that you have to make a choice one way or the other because it is what THEY want. (This includes your friends, your family, agency reps., PAPs, people on Y?A, etc!!) It is about you and your child (and baby's daddy if he's around).

    I wish you an easy pregnancy and hope that you find the choice that is right for you and your child.

    If you need information on programs to help mothers and children or have questions about the adoption process. - e-mail me.

    ETA: The Independant Adoption Center in CA was involved in my adoption. As a FP, I would NOT recommend them.

    ETA: I did not realize that my privacy settings would not allow e-mail! :(      I have fixed it!!  I am SO sorry!!!

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