
Does anyone know some cosmology/cosmetology jokes?

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I got to thinking last night that there is a huge potential for some cosmetology jokes, but I can't think of any at all despite the overwhelming amount of potential. Anyone know any? I looked around the internet and couldn't find any.




  1. Alex Filippenko talks about an ad in a newspaper looking for a Cosmologist to cut hair and do facials.  He points out that the two words have a common origin.  They are both about beauty.  He has a few other jokes he uses.  You can hear some of them in the podcast by following the link.  A great talk, by the way.

    And my buddy, the astrophysicist talks about how he gets called an astralphysicist from time to time.

    And of course, i've been referred to as an amateur astrologer while giving a talk at a star party.  Well, the astrologers i know have to do the hairy math to figure out what was straight up at the time and place of your birth. To be certified, they have to be able to do this without a computer. So maybe that's a complement.  I'm not certified, just certifiable.

    My current favorite joke goes like this:

    A particle was driving down the road and looked at it's speedometer.  All of a sudden it had no idea where it was.

  2. In the past Professor Colin Pillinger was a great astronomer. But 2003 marrsed his career.

    OK I made that one up marred - mars. I'll get my coat.

  3. cosmetology has to do with hair, cosmology has to do with the formation, structure and behavior of the universe. HA HA, that's pretty funny.

  4. well your question is like a joke in itself :)

    Cosmetology refers to BEAUTY and the study of hair cutting and make up etc etc :)

    However knowing what you mean ( or well at least due to the fact you posted here)

    here a couple of links for you :)

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