
Does anyone know some good flight universities or colleges in Ontario?

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I am just wondering about some good flight universities and colleges that are in Ontario. And i would like to know how you become a commercial pilot from that. Im guessing that after you graduate highschool, you go to the college/university and get your licences and rating while your getting your degree in aviation. Then after your done, you get a job as an instructor and build time to get a atpl.




  1. Here's one. The University of Western Ontarion has an aviation management degree and you can get  your CPL through their program.  I have a friend who lives in Toronto that went there in the 80's and he has had a very successful flying career. Go to

    While you don't need to have a college degree to fly professionally, it helps you to be more competetive in the job market if you do. You don't need to learn to fly at a college or university, but if you can afford it this is a good way to go. The management degree also gives you something to fall back on if for some reason you cannot get a flying position or you lose your pilot medical, or you just plain decide to quit flying. In that case you need another skill, and business management is business management, no matter what field you work in.

    The best money in aviation is also made in management instead of being a line pilot, whether it is a flight school or a major airline, so I suggest you  angle in that direction if money is what matters to you the most. A good place to get a head-start before you get your CPL is in "line service" (ramp rat) and you can work your way up from there once you get your pilot ratings. It's what I did and I now manage a small corporate flight dept. I get to fly almost as much the other pilots and I make substantially more money than they do  for not a lot more extra work. The line service management experience I got 20+ years ago helped me get my current job which required some previous management experience.

    That's my two cents worth.

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