
Does anyone know some thigh workouts besides running? and some hip workouts for like love handles?

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besides running because it doesnt help much and besides eating right?




  1. ...

    Thigh and hip workouts.  Hmmm.  Two different kinds of workouts.

    The thighs, to strengthen.  The hip workouts, to lose.

    Much is available for thigh workouts - plyometrics, the Strength Trilogy (Owen Anderson).  My current favorite, the quick answer is:  Spinning(c).  Notice the (c) - this indicates a Spin class (essentially using a weighted exercycle - one with a 30-40 pound flywheel) conducted by a Mad Dogs athletics-certified Spin(c) instructor in a certified Spin(c) facility.  Actually, these are pretty easy to find, park districts will offer these classes, and other athletic facilities will as well.

    Now for the hips.  More difficult.  The problem is, the body just doesn't tolerate spot-reducing.  You've got to lose weight over an extended period of time, exercising and eating "right," to lose body fat, which you will lose, over time, in equal proportions across your entire body.

    So . . . cardio activities, 40 minutes + a shot, daily.  Some weight training to build muscle mass (which burns off calories faster than other body tissues).  Running, of course, is good.  So is Spinning, bicycling, and to a lesser extent, swimming.

    Of course, you could go to liposuction, sucking out the cellulite from your hips.  But that's not really a good idea, and frankly doesn't take care of the problem for good.



  2. here ya go. Soon you'll have a J-lo booty   :)

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