
Does anyone know something about home schooling?

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I am a teenage girl who is going to be home schooled by my father. Can someone tell me the good parts about home schooling and the bad parts before I make a huge mistake.

If I say yes, than I can never ever see my mom and brother again.

If I say no, than I'm stuck in a school.

I wish I could live in USA with my entire family however, my brother wants to finish his school years in Amsterdam. My mom still has 15 more years before she can have her pension.

Please help me anyone!





  1. its not good, coz when u grow up ull have many problems with deelin with other people coz u wont be used to them and ur gonna be shy , ur peronality wont be that much...

  2. As you can see, most of the regulars who always argue FOR homeschooling are arguing AGAINST it in this circumstance.

    Isn't family the most important thing? Homeschooling is supposed to, among other things, strengthen family bonds. I would normally say "go for it, there's nothing to lose", but in this situation, there IS something to lose. I can't make the decision for you, but decide which is more important: not having to suffer through public school for the next few years, or your family.

    I'm sorry to say that I would recommend not homeschooling. Give me a thumbs down if you want to , but I'm just giving my honest opinion.

    Think about it.

    P.S. Isn't there a way you could be homeschooled in Amsterdam?

  3. It really depends on you as a person. Some people love home schooling, some hate it. I am personally on the “love” side of the fence. I work for one hour a day, don’t have to deal with bullies, peer pressure, drugs, and boring teachers.

    Oh, and please don't listen to the ignorant and uninformed people that tell you that just because you're home schooled means that you will have no social life. You can go to school and have no social life, too. Just like if you were going to regular school, if you want a social life, you're going to have to make an effort to get one. (Meaning going to home schooling events, joining a book club or a dance class, etc.)

  4. What???? Why could you never see your mom and brother again? Do you mean as a teenager? As an adult? That doesn't make sense. As much as I believe in homeschooling, if this is the situation being presented, I would NOT agree to homeschooling.

    Think about this, seriously, what's more important: a few more years in school or those years without your mom??

  5. What does homeschool have to do with not seeing your family? That sounds wrong. Homeschool is a great educational option. Colleges are not biased against homeschoolers, you may be as social as you like. But your situation sounds very strange.

  6. home schooling is bad there is no good side of it the person who was home schooled(in this case you) will have social problems for the rest of their life no matter what they say. And colages will more likely not to accepet people who were home schooled. and going to and school you will learn more then just school related subjects you will learn how to cope with every day problems and so on and so forth  DO NOT GET HOME SCHOOLED.

  7. Don't be homeschooled....

    It's horrible....

    I hate it....

    Some people love it!

    It depends on the person....

    I dislike it....

    I have almost no social life....

    No friends....

    I've lost ALOT of people skills....

    I hate it....

    You might love it though!

    But if you want my opinion?

    Don't do it sweetie....

    I've had the choice, and I never realized the mistake I was making....

    This year being homeschooled was the biggest mistake....Literally in my life! (At least so far)

    Haha, anybody that reads this is going to give me a thumbs down, lol....


    All my best! And good luck!


  8. Good points of home schooling, you will get a far superior education.  You will not have to deal with bullies, peer pressure, drugs, teachers who just don't care, far more diverse socialization than you could ever have sitting in a room full of people your same age who you aren't allowed to talk to.

    I don't know what issues your family is having that you would never see your mother or brother again.  Home schooling is a huge commitment, and if you aren't ready to make it you really need to think about if you should be doing it.

  9. First of all, I went to public school and I have no people skills, and have never been great a making friends, so homeschooling doesn't cause it.  If you want to make friends go out!  Do a sport, participate in something!  And, homeschooling is great, but it sucks that you will have to choose to lose family to do it.  I don't know if a superior education is worth losing your family for.

  10. I'm having trouble understanding your situation.  Obviously for you there are going to be negatives and positives regardless to which option you choose....  But, it seems to me that your best option would be to go to school because then you will get an education plus see your family (if I understood what you wrote correctly)

  11. Well, I am a big homeschooling advocate, but I think homeschooling should unite families, not divide them.  And the schooling issue should not be used as a tool for conflict between your parents.  You do not need to be stuck in the middle of this.

    Homeschooling is not perfect.  It does have it's pros and cons and disadvantages.  Many of the disadvantages described above are myths.  Here are some that I believe to be more accurate:

    I think the situation with your parents is a huge disadvantage, and unless you are having some very serious problems in school, I am not sure the positives would outweigh the negatives in your situation.  You really need to talk to both of your parents to figure out what is best.

    I hope everything works out!

  12. Homeschool is Really great! You have more time to make friends and to interact with other people! You r not always with kids the same age as you! and Socilization people may make a big deal out of that but Hey there is all sorts of activities! If you can never see you mom againg then there is a Big problem! I mean  would in this situation probably not do homeschool because your Mom is a very important person in you teen life so i do not know!

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