
Does anyone know specific volleyball drills?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know specific volleyball drills for passing (bumping), setting, spiking, and serving? Please don't just give me a web site.

Also, please give me exercises that require nets and don't require nets, and exercises that can be done individually or as a group. In other words, give me a wide range of exercises.




  1. for serving you can play a game called around the world. it's where you split the team into 2 groups then each team will pick a player to go on the opposite side of the team. the one player will have to sit in the right back(1) while there teammates are supposed to serve the ball at them. the player sitting on the floor will have to catch the ball and when this happens the player who caught the ball will go on his/her side and serve while ther person who served the ball will go in right front(2), the first team to have made all around the court (middle front, left front, etc...) wins!

    this is supposed to help the team work on aiming the ball while competing. it's a really fun serving drill and i know i enjoy playing this drill.

  2. Bumping/Setting~~Beginners+Intermediate

    ~~Bump to each other in a circle.  Setting is feasible too, (only if in a good position).  I've already had a ball spiked to me and had to dig it up and try to keep it under control in the circle.


    ~~Set over the net from one person to another.

    ~~Also, set to the spiker (in positions) and have other players (in game position) ready to receive (bump) the ball.

    Serving~~Always works to serve half the people on one side, and half on the other, serving back and forth to each other.


    ~~Definitely stretching of the hamstrings and groins; on the floor in a split leg position; 15 second a side stretches.

    ~~Stretching of the shoulder and arms by pulling them back and lifting up slightly.

    ~~Body side bendsand twists to stretch the whole body.

    ~~Running the lines of the court like a drill; back and forth until running the entire length of the court.

  3. I realize that you said not to give you a website, but there are several really good websites out there with drills on them.

    And to be honest, those websites have a lot more drills than anyone is going to post here.

    If you're coaching, I would seriously consider buying a book (or two or three) about coaching, and drills.

    As for the net, you'll need it for certain situations - practicing serving, spiking, blocking - you'll definitely need it then. But not all drills will require the net.

    Good luck to you.

  4. a lot of the drills we do at practice are hard to explain but i'll try my best.

    three-man: three people (base) and a catcher (setter) set up on one side of the net and a few people on the other side. the few people on the other side throw or serve balls over and the people on the other side practice passing it up to the catcher (setter). the catcher then catches the ball and runs over to the other side to toss or serve the ball over. the person who passed it to the catcher is now the catcher.

    you can combine this drill with hitting a's, b's, and c's: when someone passes it and the setter is able to set the ball, someone calls the hit and the setter sets the ball and someone hits it over.

    hitting lines: set up hitting lines (fours, twos, fives, ones, etc..) people in line toss the ball to the setter and call their hit. the setter sets the ball to the person and the hitter hits it over.

    blocking drill (one step): two people go up to the net, one on each side. together, they jump up as if to block land on one foot, leap over, and repeat.

    blocking drill (three steps): same as above, just instead of leaping one step; you land, turn run three steps, turn towards the net, block, and repeat.

    hitting drill: standing on the left sideline of the court, do your approach, swing as if to hit an imaginary ball land, back pedel (in an angle), hit, back pedel, repeat. do it together. like one person starts, when that person is about to go up for the next approach, the next person starts with them and everyone is sycrinized. do the approach three times so you're basically running in a 'W'.

    uhm that's all i can think of at the moment.

  5. UMMMMMMMMMMMMM theres died fish wich is serving thers cayuse wich is bumping  JUst spikeing

  6. spiking -hitting lines (pass the ball to the setter, they set it and the hitter spikes it.),

    serving -split up into to groups then have one group on one side and the other on the other side and have all members but one from each side lay on the floor and have the one person left go and serve and have to aim for their teamates on the floor.

    setting-have the setters up against the wall about a foot and set it with little sets to get control of the set

    passing-split up in two lines facing eachother then pass the ball and rotate to the other line

    also you can have a target (like the basket the volleyballs are in) and have the person aim for the target

    well those are some of the things we did in my volleyball season during our practice.

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