
Does anyone know specifically what i need to do to get relay service for a tty phone i have a dsl phone line.?

by  |  earlier

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I need to be able to pick up my phone, dial the party i need to communicate with, and see the text words that they are saying on days my hearing aid isn't enough to get a clear sound. Whwere do I call to get this service and about how much will it cost i need another phone line?




  1. You didn't say what State you are in, but Relay Service is a FREE Service for the Hearing Impaired.

    You also didn't say, but do you use strictly TTY or do you also use " Voice "  or " VCO " ?

    The Relay Service number should be in your Local Phone Book   (usually in the Front Section).

    If you live in TX  you can just dial ( 711 ) and a Relay Operator will answer to help you . You don't need any  "special " equipment to use Relay Service even if you do have DSL Phone Line as long as you have your Teletypewriter or another Type of Phone for the Deaf.

    Hope this helps you . Good Luck !  :-)

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