
Does anyone know ten important dates in Bahamas Starting from B.C or A.C to 2008? I desperately need answers!!

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Does anyone know ten important dates in Bahamas Starting from B.C or A.C to 2008? I desperately need answers!!




  1. You can find all the history information here.  Good luck!

  2. My husband is a history buff but he is asleep. if you give me until tomorrow i will try to help you out.

    Not sure if you still need these but here goes:

    1492 - Christopher Columbus discovers bahamas

    1648 - Arrival of Eleutheran adventurers

    1729 - Opening of the House of Assembly

    1776 - Nassau captured by US marines

    1838 - Abolition of slavery

    1942 - Burma road riot

    1958 - General strike

    1964 - Constitutional advance

    1966 - Currency change from pounds, shillings and pence to dollars and cents

    1967 - Progressive Liberal Party comes into power - so called majority rule

    1970 - Constitutional advance

    1973 - Indenpendence from Great Britain

    1992 - Free National Movement becomes government

    You can find more detailed info on the web. hope this helps.

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