
Does anyone know that drinking gam where each card has a differnent meaning?

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what is that drinking game where you pick a card and each one means something different..i.e 4's for whores (girls drink) etc. If you know it what are different things for each card?




  1. It's usually called Kings, or in NZ we call it circle of death. You can make cards anything, depending on who you're playing with. Some we've used are:



    -Toilet card (cannot leave game to go toilet unless you have one or buy one off someone somehow)


  2. There is a game I play called Up and Down the River.

    You place 10 cards in two lines face down on the table.  Then you deal out the rest of the cards to the players.  The flipped down cards are worth different amounts of drinks.  The first one is worth one drink, the second is worth 2 and so forth until you get to the sixth card.  The sixth card is worth one drink and the seventh is worth two drinks and so forth.  The tenth card is worth 10 drinks.

    Flip the first card.  Anyone with that card in their hand passes it to another player and they have to take that many drinks per card.  So if the fourth card is a 5 and someone gets passed two 5's, they have to take 8 drinks.  4 for each 5 passed.  If a card is flipped and it's repeated from a previous flip, anyone with that card passed to them must drink accordingly, just like they were just passed those cards.  So if another 5 is flipped on the 7th card, then they must take another 4 drinks, since 6 starts over at 1 drink.

  3. The game is called kings. Everyone has their own drink and there is a community drink in the middle. The cards are like this:

    -"2 is for you"- you have to pick someone to drink

    -"3 is for me"- you have to drink yourself

    -"4 hit the floor"- last person to sit or get their hands on the floor has to drink

    -"5 is for guys"- all guys have to drink"

    -"6 is for chicks"- ladies have to drink

    -"7 reach for heaven"- last person to put their arms straight up has to drink

    -"8 pick a mate"- pick someone to drink with you every time you have to drink

    -"9 bust a rhyme"- person who picks card says a word and everyone has to rhyme with that word around the table. If someone repeats or takes too long they have to drink

    -10 is catagories- person who picks card says a catagory (cars, fast food shops, etc) and everyone has to say a thing in that catagory. If someone repeats or takes too long they have to drink

    -Jack is make a rule- person who picks card has to make up a rule. It can be a one time rule (everyone takes their shirts off) or a rule for the rest of the game (little man taken off the cup). If the rule is broken then that person has to drink

    -Queen is questions- people go around asking each other questions. If a person says anything that isnt a question or takes too long then they have to drink

    -King is middle cup- person has to chug the middle cup. It is refilled after each king is selected

    -Ace is waterfall- everyone stands up and raises their drinks. Person A who picked card begins to drink and everyone must follow. Person B, who follows person A in order, can only stop drinking once person A stops. This goes for person C, D, E, etc. This means that the last person cannot stop drinking until everyone else has stopped.

    This is easily my favorite drinking game. Gets you really messed up though!

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