
Does anyone know that their is a genocide going on in South Africa?

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  1. And what would you have us do about it. Did you realize there was genocide going on in Iraq before the US invaded? Where you as upset about that?

  2. yes i'm a city coordinator for purple for peace,

    it is going on in darfur, and all over south africa.

    people know but some reason we're so far away that some people don't care. it's very sad and dissapointing

  3. we do, but as good americans, we don't care.

  4. While some of us have been busy feeling guilt for what our ancestors did and being super-sensitive about trying to treat all people equally, some people have been preaching racial hatred.  Those people feel they are justified in hating because they--or their ancestors--were enslaved or discriminated against.  So now it's pay-back?  But are those they harm in revenge for what happened in the past the people who did the harm?  Are, at least, some of them guilty of nothing more than being the wrong color?  How can anyone argue that there is any justice in this?  And, if they would do what was done to them, how can they condemn what was done to them?  It makes as much sense as would the Jews deciding to annihilate the Germans for the sins of their fathers.

  5. Yes, it's been going on for some time as well as other parts of the world.

  6. you should go there personally and tell them to knock it off !!!

    Good Luck, Bud

    and Godspeed

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