Champions On Feb. 25, 1964, Cassicus Clay shocked the odds makers by beating the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship, Sonny Liston in the seventh round by technical knockout. How old was Cassicus at the time? - A(22),Country Music Trivia Alabama is a Grammy Award-winning country music band. Alabama’s “Pass it on Down†was released in what year (numerical)? - 1990 - Source,Extraordinary In 1935, the possibility of RADAR was demonstrated to Air Ministry officials in England by Robert Watson-Watt. What does the acronym RADAR stand for? - a) RAdio Detection And Ranging,Famous Firsts Former President Abraham Lincoln was the one responsible for declaring Thanksgiving a U.S. National holiday. He was also the first President to “pardon†a turkey from being killed on Thanksgiving. What was the name that Lincoln gave to the spared turkey? - A) Jack