Champions In the 1972 Summer Olympics, Lasse Viren of Finland won the 5,000 meter event. What was the name of the 21 American in that race who finished in fourth place? (Enter in the LETTER of the correct corresponding answer). - b) Steve Prefontaine,Extraordinary In 1982, a "syzygy" occurred with regard to the alignment of the nine planets in our Solar System. What is a syzygy? (Enter in the LETTER of the correct corresponding answer). - a) The alignment of three of more celestial bodies in the same gravitational system along a straight line.,Famous Firsts In 1952, an artificial heart was used for the first time on a 41 year old man. How many minutes did the artificial heart keep the man alive? (Enter in the LETTER of the correct corresponding answer). - c) 80 minutes,Hot Jobs Trivia Yahoo Hot Jobs! Find the right one. For 2500 Points: Under Top Job Searches, what company is #10 in Featured Companies? - Home Depot -