
Does anyone know the answer to any of these questions regarding the U.S. and the United Nations?

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Date the U.S. was admitted to the UN...

U.S.'s UN dues payment status.....

Has the U.S. ever signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.....

Has the UN ever had to intervene in any conflict involving the U.S....If so, what conflict(s)....




  1. U.S. role in establishing the UN:

    The term "United Nations" was suggested by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill during World War II, to refer to the Allies. It appeared in the Declaration by the United Nations where, on January 1, 1942, 26 nations pledged to continue fighting the Axis powers.

    In 1945, representatives from 50 countries met in San Francisco for the United Nations Conference on International Organization. They deliberated on proposals that had been drafted by representatives of the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference between August and October of 1944. The United Nations officially came into existence on October 24, 1945, when the Charter was ratified by the Republic of China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States as well as a majority of other signatories.

    The U.S. arrears issue:

    The UN has always had problems with members refusing to pay the assessment levied upon them under the United Nations Charter. But the most significant refusal in recent times has been that of the U.S. For a number of years, the U.S. Congress refused to authorize payment of the U.S. dues, in order to force UN compliance with U.S. wishes, as well as a reduction in the U.S. assessment.

    After prolonged negotiations, the U.S. and the UN negotiated an agreement whereby the United States would pay a large part of the money it owes, and in exchange the UN would reduce the assessment rate ceiling from 25% to 22%. The reduction in the assessment rate ceiling was among the reforms contained in the 1999 Helms-Biden legislation, which links payment of $926 million in U.S. arrears to the UN and other international organizations to a series of reform benchmarks.

    U.S. arrears to the UN currently total over $1.3 billion. Of this, $612 million is payable under Helms-Biden. The remaining $700 million result from various legislative and policy withholdings; at present, there are no plans to pay these amounts.

    Under Helms-Biden, the U.S. paid $100 million in arrears to the UN in December 1999; release of the next $582 million awaits a legislative revision to Helms-Biden, necessary because the benchmark requiring a 25 percent peacekeeping assessment rate ceiling was not quite achieved. The U.S. also seeks elimination of the legislated 25 percent cap on U.S. peacekeeping payments in effect since 1995, which continues to generate additional UN arrears. Of the final $244 million under Helms-Biden, $30 million is payable to the UN and $214 million to other international organizations.

  2. The US has not signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  However at this point it may possibly be argued that  because the UDHR is a Human Rights treaty and because it is so universally recognized that it has become international common law that the US courts may be obligated to recognize regardless of our non-signatory status (I'm sure Justice Kennedy would agree with me).

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