
Does anyone know the answer to this riddle?

by  |  earlier

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There are two penguins in a bathtub, in the Arctic Ocean. One penguin says," Pass the soap" and the other penguin says, "No soap, radio."




  1. huh?

  2. thats the reason there are so many dirty penguins

  3. nope i don't, don't get the riddle ^^

  4. Never heard of it.... Im guessing the penguins name was Radio or something

  5. Uhh.....  I-  Did-  Have-  Is-  Hmm.

  6. "Does anyone know the answer to this riddle?'

    Yes, and the answer is no.

  7. huh? dont get it sorry  

  8. I prefer the two nuns in the bath and one says;

    "Where's the soap?" and the other one says;

    "Yes it does doesn't it!"

  9. I don't get it lol  

  10. 1 no penquins in the arctic ocean

    #2 That is an old joke, the joke is that there is no punchline, and if you say you "get it" then you get made fun of, cause there is nothing to get

  11. IVE GOT IT!! The answer is : The penguin is turning on the radio to the soap opera station and the other penguin doesnt like soap operas. But he needs soap to wash himself.

  12. No I dont get it!!!!

    ☆ Hope this helps :] ☆

    ★ Have a nice day :D ★

    ☆ Copyright ©2008 ☆

    ♥By Sarah @ Pudsthecat™ ♥

  13. i think the guy above me got it

    and i didnt get it until he said it

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