
Does anyone know the best medication for an arthritic horse?

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I am getting a 17 year old quarter horse who began to show signs of arthritis about a year ago. I want to still be able to ride him but I want him to be comfortable. Any suggestions?




  1. must see a vet ...he will start to put him on steroid medication

    but for now ..he must get a complete rest

  2. Arthri-Eaze. Its the miracle supplement, i swear. I give it to my 23 year old mare and shes staying sound, even with horrid nivicular and arthritis.

  3. Glucosamine is good, if you go to a vet they will give you a medication called Vet Form. its for arthritis. they may also want to give them an injection of Hyonate, this is a fluid that cushions the joints. or in extream cases they may do hock injections or fetlock injections depending on what the horse needs.

  4. Get him on a supliment that contains glucosamine - it helps to rebuild the cartilage and although it won't completly stop the process it will slow it down significantly and make your horse a lot more comfortable. If he is really bad then a short course of steriods or bute might be necessary but you don't want him on steriods long term because they can mess up a lot of other things and cause lots of problems.

    If the arthritis is mild then get him on glucosamine and then as long as the exercise is mild with no jumping it's actually better for the horse to be lightly exercised because it stops everything stiffening up. You should take cues from the horse as to how much ridding it can cope with - he will be sore later not during the exercise so if he is getting stiffer after being worked then reduce the amount being asked of him, but gentle trail riding will help him.

  5. all the horses at my show stable use smart pac's. it's just a bunch of supplements that are customized to your horses needs. they're very good.

  6. you should probably ask a vet, but a friend of mine has an 18 year old ex-hunter jumper/dressage horse that has old injuries and pretty bad arthritis and she's giving him glucosamine supplements and I think the other supplement is called performance plus. he is definitely not in any pain. he gallops around at feeding time and runs and slides and spins all of the time in his pasture, and he doesn't walk stiff or slowly anymore.

  7. MSM/glucosamine is good, and I love boswellia - its an anti-inflammatory like bute, but without the side effects.

    Long term, you might want to consider joint injections.

    Arthritics horses usually do well with light, consistent exercise, and lots of turnout.

    Almost all horses over the age of 10 have some form or arthritis. Its not a big deal , and if you start maintenance early, your horse should do well in the long term.

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