
Does anyone know the best way to get rid of blanket weed without the use of chemicals?

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Does anyone know the best way to get rid of blanket weed without the use of chemicals?




  1. Barley Straw in a bundle,will sink to btm of pond.Remove all

    weed you can by hand first.

  2. Nettie means Barley straw.

    It helps prevent it but doesn't cure the problem once you've got it.

    Otherwise, get your hands in and pull it out.

  3. I have used Viresco successfully over the last two years.

    Comes in a packet and is  bacteria-based. This year took longer than last year, which I feel may be down to not getting the pump and filter going early enough.

    No link at all with the company. Try a look at their website

  4. Fire.

  5. Barely straw and lots of pond plants ratio should 60% plants and rest water.

    You will never erraticate it completely and ideally your pond ought to be in partial shade.

  6. Best way is cut a long stick. roughen one end.poke rough end into pool.Twist stick in palm of hand.The blanket weed will wrap around stick in a ball.remove and discard weed. You can purchase a ready made Blanket Twizzler from any good Aquatics or garden centre.Cheaper to make your own.

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