
Does anyone know the best way to grow chillies/peppers?

by Guest60219  |  earlier

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Does anyone know the best way to grow chillies/peppers?




  1. In a greenhouse!

  2. they are really easy to grow on your patio if you keep them sheltered - its too late to plants seed  now but you can get ones pre grown at the garden centre - feed them like tomato plants keep them in a shetered spot or under a cloche if its windyor in a greenhouse - they are just the same as tomaotes really lots of water lots of feed. Mine are seriously hot.

    next year grow early from seed under glass

  3. A number of ways, but you're a bit late this for this year unless you're going to grow them as a house plant.

    You can get the seeds easy enough from just about any garden centre or online.  Get a medium sized plant pot (or as many as you want - I've got 12 for example).

    If you're going to have them outside; plant them in February or march in the house.  One seed per pot (I've found they nearly all germinate).  Water them every day or so and keep them in a warm, sunny room.

    Once they've germinated and are a good few inches tall, transplant them to a much, much larger pot.  Again, fill them with compost - though I use a combination of light soil, lots of compost and coffee grounds.  Put in a supporting pole as you transplant - chances are that you'll need it later.

    Come May, you can put them out in the greenhouse if you want.  I've found doing this makes for a much bushier plant for some reason - probably because they get more sun.

    Get some decent fertiliser - you can get specialist chillie/pepper stuff - and use as instructed. If you're doing a few plants and you have the space - try and keep them separated - just in case.

    The plants should be flowering about now (As mine are), by August/September you should have chillie coming out of your ears.  

    Pick green if you want them mild, red for hot.


    Dry them very slowly in a oven at a low tempurature for a day and, when dry, stick them through a coffee grinder.  

    Slice and freeze (Or whole).

    Slice and store in white wine vinegar.

    Small and hot; store in olive oil.

  4. They grow wildly in my yard, so I find they dont need much care at all, however the birds love them so if you want to eat them be sure to keep an eye on them so you can get to them when they are ready!

  5. I grow peppers in containers.  I started them indoors in April and transplanted them into their permanent containers in May.  I have several little ones already.

  6. Soil & water

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