
Does anyone know the drinking age in ecuador? is it enforced?

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Does anyone know the drinking age in ecuador? is it enforced?




  1. Depends really, some stores allow the kids to purchase things like a pack of cigarettes "for their uncles" although, most of the time it IS for their uncles lol. Ummm as for the drinking age, I can tell you if a cop is around the store-owner might not sell to a minor but I was able to buy a Pilsener when I visited last November so yea. Its not brutally enforced as the United States.

  2. IS 18

  3. Legal drinking age limit is 18. However, if you are with an adult guardian you can drink at 16 and above in public.

    They will card you in some places, just like the states but if they don't, don't worry.

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