
Does anyone know the effects of abruptly stopping dexamphetamine in an 8yr old.

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Does anyone know the effects of abruptly stopping dexamphetamine in an 8yr old.




  1. The kid's ADD/ADHD symptoms will return.  If the kid's been taking it for a whil, abruptly stopping might result in a deep (but temporary [?] ) depression.

    ** Edit:  I agree with the below membere.  Abruptly stopping is very unwise!

  2. Never stop any medication abrubtly that affects your central nervous system. If your son does not wish to take this medication, see your doctor and they can advise you of the best schedule to wean down and stop the medication.

    Why do you want to stop the medication? Perhaps it might be helpful for you to seek a 2nd medical opinion

  3. This is EXTREMELY UNWISE!!! unless directed to do so by a doctor. See* & and seek medical advice as to how long to take to taper off. View the 1st 3 pages of section 2, at about tapering, and AD(H)D in sections 22 - 25

    *Most important fact about Dextroamphetamine sulfate

    Because it is a stimulant, Dextroamphetamine sulfate has high abuse potential. The stimulant effect may give way to a letdown period of depression and fatigue. Although the letdown can be relieved by taking another dose, this soon becomes a vicious circle.

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