
Does anyone know the guidelines on getting unemployment benefits?

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My friend was terminated from his job and he had been there for over a year. He then took a different job 3 days later, and they are jerking him around..Does anyone know, if he gets fired (on purpose kind of) can he still draw unemployment? He has only worked this new job for 2 weeks.




  1. Well you should have put that "Additional Detail" at the beginning to avoid misunderstanding.  Afterall, you implied that he "kind of" purposely got fired - what are people suppose to think ?

    Anyway, you can only get unemployment benefits for getting laid-off  or if an employee gets injured.

    You are probably right about it being against the law to fire a guy serving his country on military leave.

  2. He should have done something about the first job because you can't fire someone if they get called to active duty. He should contact someone and find out his rights. 1-800-494-4944. I get unemployment for the summer because i work at a school. This is the number listed for questions.

  3. In most states you do not get unemployment benefits if you have been terminated (fired). Unemployment benefits are for people who have been laid-off from a job. Your friend needs to grow up.

  4. Guidelines are a little different in each state, but all require having made a certain amount in the 6-12 months before losing your job, and losing it not because of misconduct.  

    I'm a little confused how, if he was on active military duty when he lost his first job, he was able to start the other one three days later.  But you are correct that you can't be fired BECAUSE of being called up, but that doesn't mean you can't be laid off for other reasons WHILE you are called up.

    If he gets fired on purpose from his new job, whether he can collect unemployment will depend a lot on the new company.  If they show that he was fired for misconduct, he isn't eligible.  Different states, and different examiners, sometimes don't all define "misconduct" the same way.

  5. i think

    he should stop trying to get fired

    be an adult and get a job and keep it

    or live on the streets

    why should others have to work to pay for his living?

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