
Does anyone know the height of vehicles when their backs are tipped?

by  |  earlier

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We are planning a job and have identified that their is a electri cable that is at 5.7m and therefore we can only use plant that is 4.7m and less.

Does anyone know the height of a 10 Ton Lorry with its back up, a 32 Ton Lorry with its grab extended & the hegith of a JCB when bucket is extended.

Anyone know where i can find this info.






  1. Well for a standard 8.5 tonne JCB the maximum dump height for the back arm extended is 4.72 metres, while the height of the backactor in the travel position is 3.61 metres.

    A 10 ton lorry should be able to tip at no more than 4 metres height, but I couldn't find any definitive measurements of that - your best bet might be to give one of the lorry firms a call.

    As for the 32 ton lorry - absolutely nothing seems to exist on the Internet giving measurements, although plenty about people being prosecuted or electrocuted for failing to check...! Again, a phone call might be in order - it must be a common query I would think.

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