
Does anyone know the history of the Ogilvie Clan?

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My grandfather was born in Grenada and said that our ancestors were from Scotland.




  1. Scottish Clans: History of Ogilvie Clan

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    This magnificent Ogilvie Clan Wall Crest, made by hand in solid cold cast bronze, is available for you and your family to enjoy today. A superb Scottish heirloom for your future generations.

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    The origins of the great Clan Ogilvie are clouded in the mists of time, with the name said to stem from the ancient word for the high ground of Glen Ogilvie, Ocel Fa. This Celtic placename has been used for at least 1600 years, forever bonding the people of Clan Ogilvie with the land of their forefathers. The perpetuity of the Clan is testament to the success and tenacity of the Ogilvies, as their bloodline has flowed valiantly down through the annals of Scotland's history. From the earliest times, the Ogilvies have had strong bonds with the Crown of Scotland. Gilbert, son of the Earl of Angus, was granted the barony of Ogilvie by King William the Lion in 1127. This loyalty to the Crown soon became an Ogilvie tradition, and with fealty came rewards.

    In 1491, King James IV showed his appreciation by bestowing the chief with the title Lord Ogilvie of Airlie. Clan Ogilvie stood steadfast with the Stewart monarchs against Cromwell's republican Roundheads during the Civil War that devastated Britain in the 17th Century. James, the 8th Lord Airlie was made the Earl of Airlie by King Charles I in 1639, but the Ogilvie's sacrifice to Scotland was great. While the Earl was away fighting for the King in England, the Ogilvie stronghold at Airlie Castle was attacked and destroyed by the Marquis of Argyll and his Campbell Covenanters.

    The Clan Ogilvie exacted full revenge upon the Chief's return, invading and plundering the Campbell lands by way of retribution. James, the 2nd Earl, followed solidly in his father's royalist footsteps. After the 1645 Battle of Philiphaugh, he was captured, imprisoned and sentenced to death. His captors, however, had not counted on the extent of Ogilvie ingenuity. Disguised in his elder sister's clothes, young James walked straight of St Andrews Castle on the eve of his execution, and lived to the ripe age of 93. Another notable Clan member, George Ogilvy of Barras, was the Governor of Dunnotar Castle, home of the crown jewels and Regalia of Scotland. When the castle was besieged by Cromwell's troops in 1652, Ogilvy managed to ensure that the jewels left the embattled stronghold in loyal hands, for which he was created a baronet of Nova Scotia.

    Ogilvies also fought under the banner of Bonnie Prince Charlie, with the Chief's son leading a 600 strong regiment against the English at the fateful Battle of Culloden in 1746.

    The Ogilvie Clan crest is a naked woman holding a portcullis, and the Clan motto is "A fin" meaning, in French, "To the end". The 13th Earl of Ogilvie is David Ogilvie, who resides at Cortachy Castle, Killiemuir, in the Angus district of Scotland.

    Your ancestral Ogilvie Clan Crest ring is a very powerful emblem of your heritage. A true family heirloom, to be cherished for centuries by Your descendants.

  2. yes

  3. On the GenForum chat board for Ogilvie, a Horace Wayne Ogilvie is searching for information about three brothers who immigrated to Grenada, Jamica, and Canada from Scotland:

  4. The Ogilvies or Ogilvys come from the Angus area of Scotland near Kirriemuir and specifically Airlie ( The Earls of Airlie are Ogilvies ) The Chief's seat is Cortachy Castle The last Chief was Lord Chamberlain to the present Queen and his brother Angus Ogilvie married Princess Alexandra. John Ogilvie was a Jesuit priest and the only recognised artyr in post Reformation Scotland

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