I just started my son on adderall a couple of weeks ago. He was doing poorly in school - getting up in the middle of class, disrupting the class, making strange noises, fighting with kids, not completing schoolwork, etc. It got so bad that he had to sit by himself in the back of the classroom because he was such a distraction to the kids and to the teacher. Every single teacher, daycare provider, and summer camp counselour knew my name, cell phone, and email address ever since he was 3 years old because he would be so out of control that they would have to call me to come get him or to talk to him to calm him down. He isn't a bad child and is very very smart! It's just that he literally could not stop his impulses... So I took him to the behavior specialist and they had me and his teacher do an online survey about his behavior and the results were literally off the charts...and he was diagnosed with ADHD. We decided to put him on a low dose of adderall and the short time he has been on it his behavior in school has drastically improved. He is now completing his schoolwork on time, does not make strange noises, can sit in class without disrupting it, and is now able to sit with the other kids. However, when he comes down from the meds his severe mood swings are awful - heart wrenching tears, screaming, rage, and he is completely incosolable...it's awful! It only lasts about an hour or so...and the doctor said it is common and that we should weigh the mood swings vs. the benefits. I am elated he is doing better in school and can tolerate the mood swings. His father on the other hand thinks it's going to destroy his brain and wants him off the drugs immediately. Does anyone know the long term effects of the drug on children's brains??