
Does anyone know the most current public policy on Sexual Education in public schools?

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Please help! I cannot find them anywhere! What's a good place to look online for a public policiy on s*x ed in the U.S. and maybe one that is vastly (better) different in anothe country




  1. Texas,well in my school(this was in 8th grade) they told us about it and every thing else.

  2. In Texas, they taught us about the organs and cycles, etc. and how babies are made. They didn't teach us anything about birth control. They preached abstinence.....then they had to build a huge nursery for all the students' babies haha.

  3. It's not standard for the entire U.S. It's decided by state, or by district, even by school.  Try looking up different school districts or even call individual schools around the country to get an idea of policies in different areas.

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