
Does anyone know the motto for the Ramirez or Kaulitz family?

by  |  earlier

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i'm doing a coat of arms project, and i cant find one thing

>.< help someone




  1. The surname product business, including coats of arms, is one of the biggest scams around.

    Coats of arms do not belong to surnames.  Actually, there might have been, for instance, 15 different individual men with the same surname, not all necessarily related, who were each granted their own coat of arms, all different. Their legitimate direct male line descendants can claim them.  Then there are some people with the same surname who will not be entitled to a coat of arms at all.

    No one peddler that sells them on the internet, at shopping malls, at airports, in magazines and solicit by mail will have all 15, no way.  They don&#039;t need to in order to sell to gullible people.  The only time they will have more than one is if more than one individual with the same surname from more than one national origin were granted a coat of arms.  Then they will have one of each when in fact there might have been several of each.

    If this is a school project and you are required to find &quot;your&quot; coat of arms then go ahead and print off any that you find.  Just put &quot;family crest&quot; (a misnomer for a coat of arms) or House of Names in your search engine and check them out.  However, also print off the 2 links I a furnishing you and give them to your teacher.  One is from the British College of Arms who grants coats of arms and are the ultimate authority and the other is from the most prestigious genealogical organization in the U.S., The National Genealogical Society.

    Actually House of Names has the following in fine print:  &quot;We encourage you to study the___________ genealogy to find out if you descend from someone who bore a particular family crest. . . . . . . .No families, not even royal house, can make sound claim to the right to bear arms unless a proven connection is established through attested genealogical records.&quot;

    Anytime you go into someone&#039;s home and see one of those little walnut plaques with a coat of arms and family history on it, what you see possibly is a valid coat of arms and a valid family history, but not for everyone with that surname. People are displaying coats of arms that belong to persons with their surname and might not even be related.  Of course, we don&#039;t laugh or make a ridiculing comment when we are a guest is someone&#039;s home.  However, anybody knowledgeable in genealogy or heraldry will be amused even though they will suppress their amusement.

    If you are a student feel free to print off what I have posted here and give to your teacher.

  2. The College of Arms (in the UK) is the legal authority for this topic.. number one on their faq-

    Q. Do coats of arms belong to surnames?

    A. No. There is no such thing as a &#039;coat of arms for a surname&#039;. Many people of the same surname will often be entitled to completely different coats of arms, and many of that surname will be entitled to no coat of arms. Coats of arms belong to individuals. For any person to have a right to a coat of arms they must either have had it granted to them or be descended in the legitimate male line from a person to whom arms were granted or confirmed in the past.

    Translated.. the idea that there is a coat of arms for all names, is simply a huge urban legend, and false.

    Sorry, and no intent to hurt your feelings.. but if you do ANY project (presumably for school), you should investigate the facts behind it.  The ability to find QUALITY information is the core of all research or education.

  3. We research dead people here.  Most people we have researched don&#039;t have a motto or coat of arms unless they made one up for themselves.

    A coat of arms belongs to an individual and is passed from father to son in traditional usage.

    So if some ancestral Ramirez or Kaulitz did have a coat of arms, it does not apply to every Ramirez or Kaulitz  now in existence.

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