
Does anyone know the name of the MD / CEO in Magnet Kitchens?

by  |  earlier

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Looking to complain and can't get a straight answer from staff - I have two different names so far ... can anyone add to the list.




  1. As in UK? If so, call their public relations agency Brazen on +44-0161-923-4994 in Manchester. Email me if it is about quality or workmanship.

  2. I can't help you with contact details for the CEO - but to be honest, contacting the CEO is likely to slow the process down.

    In my last job I was PA to CEO of a reasonable sized computer company. Now hopefully nobody on here is silly enough to think that a CEO is personally going to deal with any customer's complaint. Any letters or calls were first read by me, then analysed to see which department(s) would need to be involved before being passed to the manager/supervisor of that department

    In my experience 85% of the people trying to contact the CEO did so only because they weren't getting their own way (I am not saying this is the case with you) with anyone else and were not happy with our staff following the company set procedures to deal with their complaint. By writing to the CEO, their complaint was still dealt with following company procedures, but added a day onto the process as it had more procedures to go through.

    You don't say what your problem is  so you need to be a bit more specific for someone to be able to help you with contact info.

    My advice would be to put your complaint in writing and send it to the manager of the department you have issue with. Depending on what the problem is and how urgently it needs to be dealt with, send this either by email, fax or post. If sending by post send recorded so that you have a record of it being delivered. In the letter be reasonable in your requests and ask that they be met within a reasonable timescale (such as 7 or 14 days - again depending on what the issue is and urgency). Check the terms and conditions of your purchase/contract for any comeback to Magnet and advise that if you do not receive action within this timeframe to move towards resolving the issue then you will instigate this comeback (i.e. cancellation of contract, discount, etc).

    As someone who has dealt with high level complaints, the main thing I can say is try to stay calm and do not be unreasonable. These were the customers that I would be more inclined to go out of my way to help. The ones who screamed, shouted, were rude on the phone or in a letter, and overly demanding would be dealt with as per the set procedures.

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