
Does anyone know the name of the statue of a guy holing the world on his back? is it hercules?

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Does anyone know the name of the statue of a guy holing the world on his back? is it hercules?




  1. that would be Atlas.

  2. Atlas was condemned to bear the sky on his shoulders when zeus and his party bet the Titans. Heracles did hold it for Atlas while he got the Golden apples of the Hesperides for him.

  3. No, it is Atlas.

  4. Xena warrior Princess... who is this Atlas fella?

  5. his name is Atlas. i think he's pretty cool. and i love that statue of him!

  6. no its atlas

    this mythology is where thename of the  map of the world atlas is taken from

  7. Atlas...

  8. No- it's Atlas-

    and easy way to remember

    is just to think of

    the World Atlas.

  9. Atlas

  10. It is Atlas, Hercules only held it for a short while as a favor to Atlas.

  11. Yes it's Atlas :) In greek mythology he actually held the sky on his shoulders not the world as decreed by Zeus when he sided against him.  Once he agreed to help Heracles steal the golden apples guarded by the Hesperides if Heracles would in turn hold up the sky for him.  When he returned he refused to take back the weight being so happy to be free of it and Heracles had to trick him into taking back.  He is the figure in the famous statue holding the world on his shoulders even though that is slightly inaccurate.

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