
Does anyone know the normal testosterone range levels for a woman?

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Does anyone know the normal testosterone range levels for a woman?




  1. The levels of testosterone for women are set according to the stages of life. Prepubescent girls have the lowest levels of testosterone due to their body's stage of development. The adrenal glands begin producing more of the s*x hormones during puberty, increasing testosterone levels and making pre-menopausal women have the second-highest levels of testosterone. As a woman begins to age, she begins producing less estrogen and other female s*x hormones. The production of testosterone increases as age increases. Therefore, menopausal and post-menopausal women have the highest levels of testosterone. High testosterone levels in women can cause many problems including hair loss, growth of facial and body hair, a deepening of the voice, and increased aggression.

    Because laboratories have different reference ranges for what is normal, there is no industry-wide standard for what levels are normal. Some labs consider up to 200 a normal level for men and 70 a normal level for women, while some labs consider up to 1200 nanograms per deciliters (ng/dl) normal for men.

  2. if you start growing a mustache then you've got too much... not being mean.  Some places think that if a women increases her testosterone her libido increases too... maybe that is why us guys are always in the "mood".  

    That would make sense though since guys start out being always in the mood, as we grow older our bodies don't always cooperate, but with a women as they grow older they have more of an interest in s*x to a certain age anyway - as they grow older their testosterone increases so it may have some validity.

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