
Does anyone know the percentage of eye colors in the world?

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i mean that blue is so-and-so is so-and-so just very intrested to know this information. your help is much appreciated




  1. I don't know the exact percentages, but I do know that everyone used to have brown eyes until around 6,000 years ago when a genetic mutation caused the melanin in our eyes to change and people began to have blue eyes. Green eyes came after that.

    By far the most common color in the world is brown. Hazel is next, followed by blue and it's variations, like violet. Green is the rarest with just 2% of the population having them. I'm one of them. : )

  2. Im guessing most peoples eye colour is brown.

    Or maybe not, I dont know.

  3. Pretty near 100%. Just about everybody has eye colors.

    Indeed the colours of our eyes, hair and skin are linked. The same genes affect the production of melanin in all of these tissues. However, certain genes will have more influence on one tissue than another.

    “The genetics of eye colour must be seen as for skin colour. Darker traits [tend to] go together but we do see individuals with blue eyes and black hair. Eye colour may be a touch more sensitive to the genes affecting melanin pigment synthesis because the eyes do not make melanin continuously as is the case with the hair and skin,” said Sturm. “There are as many hues of eye colour as there are of skin colour. Because we often simply [see] these traits as a dark or light dichotomy, the subtlety and realisation that it is a continuum of shades along a spectrum is lost. We have a major blue/brown distinction in Europeans, but we also have grey/green/hazel and every shade in between.”

    My guess would be that brown eyes are the most widely occurring color, and hazel would be the least.

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