
Does anyone know the protocols made to help curb global warming and the ozone hole?

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Please help i have a project due Tuesday and i want 2 get it done today.




  1. you can type that question on google or and write your question and you will get facts

  2. If it's for homework they probably want to hear about the Kyoto Protocol for AGW (anthropogenic global warming or human-caused warming). Even some experts now claim that Kyoto would be too little and too late and all it really does is create a system of carbon credits than can be traded like we do with the stock markets today. So a developed country basically transfers a large amount of money to a developing country so it can use it's unused 'carbon credits'. Industry and production would simply travel to developing countries that don't have to reduce emissions, so either way it would be a transfer of wealth on a scale that the world has never seen.

    Now they're talking about far more drastic action that would require reducing our industry in a major way, and our energy production so that our CO2 emissions are 75% or more below the 1990 levels. The only way to do that with today's technology is to go without light, heat, cooling and travel for most of each day, as well as shutting down nearly and industry that releases CO2.

    The Montreal Protocol eliminated the use of most CFCs since they react, at least in laboratory settings, with the ozone in our upper atmosphere, breaking it down so it is less effective. Ozone in the upper atmosphere is good, in the lower atmosphere and at ground level it's a pollutant. Why CFCs can travel to the atmosphere when they're heavier than air while at the same time there is too much ozone in the lower atmosphere and not enough in the upper - well, that's an interesting question. Most claim that the success of the Montreal Protocol shows we can have an impact on AGW.

  3. well.... CFC's are already banned, and the ozone hole should be fixing itself because more ozone is created during solar maximums because of the higher levels of UV output.

    And the ozone hole has nothing to do with global warming in case you thought so.  

    Im not discussing global warming though, there is no curbing needed in my opinion.

  4. we shall have the oil and automotive industry draw up some guidelines

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