
Does anyone know the recipe to dissolve kidney stones?

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Anyone have the recipe that you blend and drink to dissolve kidney stones? Thanks




  1. Usually they don't dissolve. You have to pass them through the Urethra (aka where pee comes out). From what I've heard, it hurts.

  2. juniper berries are supposed to dissolve them buy it in a tea form.

  3. all i know is kidney stones can be prevented by drinking 8 to 12 glasses of water every day and by drinking fluids with meals. It is important to drink enough fluids so that urine appears almost colourless. Your doctor may also recommend cutting down on the amount of protein and salt in the diet.

    in terms of getting rid of them it depends how big they are

    -if they are small you just have to wait to pass them

    -ESWL (extra-corporeal shockwave lithotripsy) is very useful for stones in the kidney or upper ureter. Shock waves are directed by a probe placed on he tummy or back . This shatters the stone into small fragments which then can be passed spontaneously. If this does not work surgery can be used.

    -Nephrolithotomy makes a small tract from the skin to the kidney and removes the stone using special "keyhole" instruments.

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