
Does anyone know the rules for Rats?

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There is a dice game called Rats. I seem to remember you roll like six dice and get a score, but other than that, I have no clue




  1. I've been playing a dice game called 'Rats!' with my family for years, but I never saw any rules ever written down, so I hope it's the same game you're referring to...

    You have 6 dice.  The object is to reach 10,000 points.

    Scoring is as follows:


    1 = 100 points

    5 = 50 points


    1-1-1 = 1,000 points

    2-2-2 = 200 points

    3-3-3 = 300 points

    4-4-4 = 400 points

    5-5-5 = 500 points

    6-6-6 = 600 points


    3 pair = 1,500 points

    1-2-3-4-5-6 = 3,000 points

    6 of a kind = 10,000 points

    The rules for rolling the dice are as follows:

    1) After each roll of the dice, you may choose to stop, in which case you record your total score for your turn on your score card, or you reroll.


    3) In order for any of the combinations listed above in the scoring section to count toward your score, YOU MUST ROLL THEM IN A SINGLE ROLL.  NOTE: The SPECIALS can only be rolled when you are rolling all six of the dice.

    4) You may not keep any dice that do not score, and if none of the dice on your current roll are able to be kept, you lose your entire score for the roll and your turn is over.  This is called "Rats!".

    5) If all of the remaining dice in any roll can be kept for your score, note the subtotal of that roll, and you may choose to reroll all six dice.

    Now, some examples:

    You roll a 2-2-3-5-6.  You may ONLY keep the single 5.  Your subtotal right now is 50 points.

    You reroll the remaining 5 dice, and get 5-5-2-1-4.  NOTE: you can not keep the two 5's and claim 500 points for having a triplet of 5s.  You must have rolled ALL THREE of the dice that make the triplet IN THE SAME ROLL.  It is to your advantage to only keep the 1, because the more dice you roll, the less your chances are of rolling a "Rats!".  Also, if you keep both of the 5s AND the 1, you won't have enough dice left to roll triplets.  You just keep the 1, making your subtotal now 150 points.

    You reroll the remaining 4 dice, and get 3-3-3-1.  You can keep all 4 of them, since you rolled a triplet of 3s, worth 300 points, and a 1, worth another 100 points.  Your subtotal is now 550 points.

    You pick up all six dice, and roll a 3-5-4-5-3-4.  You get 1,500 points, and can choose to stop now, but instead, you choose to go on and note the 1,500 points in your subtotal, making it 2,050 points now.

    You reroll all six dice, and get a 1-2-1-6-6-1.  This gives you a triplet of 1s, and you keep them, for 1,000 points, and decide to stop.  

    At this point, you write the 3,050 points on your score card and pass the dice to the next player.

    Now, if you had instead chosen to keep going, and rerolled the remaining three dice and gotten 4-3-6, you would have gotten a "Rats!", and would have written a '0' on your score card and passed the dice to the next player.  Your entire subtotal would be lost.

    There are three additional rules:

    1) Once a player has surpassed 10,000 points, each other player has one remaining turn to attempt to surpass that player.  The player with the highest score over 10,000 points wins.  In the event of a tie, the tied players each take one final turn, playing until they roll a "Rats!".  The player with the highest subtotal when they roll a "Rats!" wins. (If there is a tie during the tiebreaker, do another tiebreaker.)

    2) The first time you score points, your score MUST be 500 or more points or you can not enter a score.  This is called "Breaking the Board".

    3) If you roll a "Rats!" with all six dice (regardless of your current subtotal), you score 100 points for your turn and pass the dice.

    Hope that was what you were looking for.

  2. never heard of it

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