
Does anyone know the significance of the number '777'??

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  1. I believe its a sacred number to Christians, there are several references to the number in the Bible

  2. Genesis 5:31

    Altogether, Lamech lived 777 years, and then he died.

    Genesis 5:30-32 (in Context) Genesis 5 (Whole Chapter)

    The word "seven" is also mentioned many times but "777" is only mentioned once according to the Bible on Line.

  3. 7 is thought to be a sacred number. So is 3 - 777 has three 7s. And 21 is also considered a lucking/sacred number, three times seven being twenty one.

    Other then that, I believe that 777 is Richard Simmons' cut off point to except new work out buddies.   = )

  4. It represents good and 666 represents evil and the mark of the beast. 777 is also good luck. =)

  5. no

  6. 777 is the jackpot on a slot machine.

  7. Back in the days when the Bible was written men has strong superstitious beliefs in things like numerology.  God, Satan and man were each assigned an arbitrary triple-digit number.  God's was 777.  If you read the Old Testament you'll see a lot of numbers mentioned.  There was a subtext going on here.  Twelve disciples, the number of angels, heads on beasts, etc.

  8. Yup, it's a communication from an angel...

    "The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur."

  9. triple good luck?

  10. no, i don't think it means everything.

  11. Here's what Doreen Virtue says....

    Here's another link. Google it and you can find more

  12. in biblical numerolgy 7 represents completeness/holyness. 7 angels, 7 years etc, you will see it repeated over and over again in reference to holy things.

    6 on the other hand represents incompleteness/ unholyness. The number 666 famous as the number of the devil represents the unholy trinity presented in the book of revelation. 777 is not mentioned in the bible, but it would stand to reason that 777 would represent the holy trinity (The omnipotent God, The human Jesus, And the personal connection through the Holy Spirit)

    7 also has other properties that make it special. When you roll two 6 sided dice together, the numbers will add up to 7 more than any other number. This is the basis for the casino game Craps. For this reason, 7 is considered lucky for gamblers. This concept has spilled out into other aspects of the western world.  (just for cultural reference.... 8 is considered lucky in asia)

    The number 777 will show up in many casinos as slot machine Jackpots, blackjack side bets, and the wheel of fortune.


    Could have relation with the airplane...

    777 and Christianity

    Before we get to the lucky connotation of the number 777 and the countless slots players who became instantly rich after seeing it appear on their machine, let's dig a bit into our world's history:

    Did you know that a well known Benedictine monastery was built in Austria in the year 777? Tassilo III, who was at the time the Duke of Bavaria, founded the Kremsmunster Abbey monastery in the very same location that his son Gunther was supposed to have been killed by a boar.

    The church fell and recovered both in its infrastructure and its prestige over the years and saw many foreign overseers managing its affairs. Today the monastery is home to one of the great libraries of Austria. The three-century-old library contains more than 160,000 volumes and 1700 manuscripts in its shelves.

    Up For Some Black Magic?

    Edward Alexander Crowley, or as he was better known, Aleister Crowley, was once called "The Wickedest Man in the World". Born in the later part of the 19th century, Crowley proved himself very early on in his life to be a gifted thinker, author, scientist and more. Throughout his expansive lifetime, Crowley's writings and ideas became very influential inspirations for many cults involved in freemasonry and black magic.

    Crowley composed a "hidden law" instructional book for his students titled 777. In it, he laid out for them some self-mutilating methods by which they can control their thoughts and actions. These methods involved some very painful and dangerous techniques for one to completely step out of his person and behave in completely different ways. Needless to say, a young follower picking up the book 777 those days would certainly see his life change before his eyes.

    Hope this helped ^^ :)

  14. its supose to be lucky

  15. In biblical numerics the #7 represents spiritual fullfilment. The #6 falls short, and thus is connected to satan. The #3- indicates the number of a truth, you were told you must allways have 3 witnesses in a death conviction ( Moses gives this law ) to pass it. 777=convicted of spiritual perfection.

  16. It is more powerful than control on consciance.

    Some had choosen it for his Godfather.

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