
Does anyone know the story behind Jarrad Waite being involved in a fight........?

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.....on New Year's Eve at Lorne?

He received facial injuries.

When will these Victorian footballers learn to behave!??!!




  1. Yes.

    It was reported in the press that he was involved in a fracas after he picked on four other males.

  2. he was out with his Girlfreind and a mate, and they were attacked by men trying to be heros, he did nothing wrong.

    You should worry more about Tarrant(fre), Kerr(wc), fletcher(wc), cousins(ex-wc), not vic teams

  3. did he? must of missed that, was out blind drunk fighting someone, nah just kidding, didnt hear it.  did he get charged or anything???

  4. I heard he got into a fight with four other blokes.

    The police questioned these four but no charges were laid. Why would they be charged, anyway?

    I wish these Melbourne players would behave themselves when they're out.

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