
Does anyone know the true training routine of Rocky Marciano?

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I heard it was tough which made him have incredible endurance and stamina.




  1. He was old school.  He ran, ran ran

  2. Rocky's preoccupation with physical conditioning can't be overstressed. He trained everyday before a fight,and, unlike most heavyweights,he sometimes went to camp months before there was even a fight scheduled for him. He trained 4 or 5 mos. to go against far less skilled opponents. Joe Frazier,when training for Ali, trained for 8wks. That is why there is doubt that Ali and Foreman could have worn down Marciano. He trained rigorously by running in the morning and evening,catching football passes from his partner Allie for 1-2 hrs.w/o resting,sparring and all the other training regimen that fighters do plus punching underwater in a swimming pool and running series of 100yrd. dashes. He was meticulous about his diet,drinking in the juices from thoroughly chewed steaks without swallowing the meat. He stands at the pinnacle,a true example of courage,determination and glory.

  3. he used to eat food, and then box, then eat more and then sleep.

  4. I found some info out for you toughguy.

    Rocky (someone once said) was addicted to exercise like some people are addicted to drugs.

    He had a 'special' bag made - 300lbs ! (He figured after 300 lb. bag training he could move 200 + lb. heavyweights around.)

    He liked to run uphill in training (full speed) and then run backwards back down. Did this over and over. (I've noticed in fight films of Rocky, he dips very low, he did this because he was short and made himself even shorter  thus making him a harder target. But notice those tree-trunk legs also when he's comming back up from the low dip. those legs were strong and I think he used that to help him generate power comming back up.)

    Sometimes Rocky went shoulder deep in a swimming pool and threw hundreds of underwater punches.

    Jogged 6-7 miles every morning.( His uncle,Charlie Piccento, said he even did this on Christmas mornings as well.) Ben Bently, Rocky's press agent, said after signing for a fight he would increase to 9-10 miles. And then the last week before a fight he would increase 12-15 miles. And all this in hilly country!

    Was also  like a Monk - He secluded himself from wife and family sometimes up tp 3 months before a fight, watched his diet, weight and muscle tone. A week before a fight he would see no mail, take no calls, meet no new acquaintances, not even shake hands (I assume so as not to catch the flu-?) or go for a car ride, and no new foods.

    Archie moore - "...he just had more stamina than anyone else in those days. He was like a bull with gloves."

    Roland LaStraza - "I would throw a hard punch, then he would throw a hard punch. The diffrence was that Rocky would throw 10 more. He just never stopped throwing punches."

    Rocky was a fit and tough dude. He would have made a Spartan blush in shame.

  5. The celticbrawler has given what I heard Marciano did which explains why the guy was undefeated

  6. My dad often mentions Marciano. He points out that before Marciano was even a boxer, he was a conditioning freak. Primarly his point is that what helped Marciano be so great was his ability train with such ferocity and that to be great you have to push yourself to your limits and beyond. Sorry, I don't know his training routine.

  7. He ate thunder and crapped lightning, oh wrong Rocky!!! Marciano was still the greatest boxer of all time.

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