
Does anyone know the words to the radio commercial that starts out, "Driving in my car beep beep..."??

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It's been driving my crazy all day. It starts out, "Driving in my car beep beep," and it's about this guy that has all the time in the world to avoid an accident and then the have the real-life scenerio where he can't even finish that line before he gets hit and I REALLY want to know the words to the rest of it because it's stuck in my head.




  1. Guest227

  2. Driving In my car BEEP BEEP

    obeying the law sure is neat

    hope no one recks into me

    o wait look here comes a car

    its my lucky day

    plenty of time to get out of his wayyyy

  3. Driving In My car Beep Beep.

    Of the Lawn Sure is neat, Hope no one wrecks into me!

    of wait! here comes a car, it's my lucky day!

    Plenty Of time to get outt of his wayyyyyy!...



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