
Does anyone know this man??

by  |  earlier

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wondering if anyone knows a Shane Terrence Barrett.... lived in victoria Australia( not sure where now) aged 29, may go by the nickname tigger if anyone knows of his whereabouts can you please let me know




  1. google it or go and ask the police in VIC

  2. Sorry can't help you.

    Asking about him here in Y!A is good step. Who knows .....

    Have you searched him in some other ways here in the internet?

    Hope you find him.

  3. try the salvation army they help people to find relatives

  4. I recommend using the electoral roles for each state. As long as you are an Australian citizen and have ID you are able to access these at your local Australia Electoral Commission offices. I used this method to serve divorce papers on my ex.

    Other options include contacting authorities...

    Or private investigators.

    Good luck,


  5. Try the Police Missing Persons Unit in Victoria. If your brother does not want you to contact him they will at least be able to let you know that they have seen him and if he is in good health etc.

    Good luck. My brother has been missing in South Africa for 25 years. I hope you find the peace that has eluded me.

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