
Does anyone know this quote?

by  |  earlier

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i cant really remember how the qoute goes but i really want it for my profile.

it says something like im a s**t becase i wear shorts. blah blah. if anyone knows what im talking about please gimme a hand! lolz.




  1. Yeah like a quote about how others label each other.

    "im a s**t because i'll wear shorts and a tanktop. im anorexic because i eat as much as i want and dont gain weight. im a ***** because i dont let you push me around. im a liar because i wont tell you everything. im stupid because sometimes im wrong. im ugly because my face isnt perfect. im a w***e because i like boys. im annoying because im not cool enough. im a loser because im not friends with your group. i use people because i do what's best for me. im fake because most of the time im happy. im weird because im not like you. im controlling because i get mad sometimes. im clingy because i like to be around people. im greedy because i like to be satisfied. im naive because im younger than you. im conceited because im proud of who i am. im rude because my manners aren't perfect. im unnapreciative because i dont praise you. Dont try to tell me who i am because i already know!!!"

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